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People Who Quit Their Job In The Middle Of A Shift Explain Why They Did It

Reddit user thann3 asked: 'Have you ever gotten up and quit your job in the middle of a work shift? If so, why?'

man in business suit standing near the stairs
Hunters Race on Unsplash

A job search is not fun, so most people will tolerate a lot to keep a job.

But everyone has their limit.

Sometimes that limit is reached right in the middle of a work day and people are forced to walk off the job with no prior notice.

Reddit user thann3 asked:

"Have you ever gotten up and quit your job in the middle of a work shift? If so, why?"

Hands Off

"I was a bar back in my 20s, and I had an incredibly abusive boss. It was a weekend night, and the bar had two floors, and I was the only bar back that night, and there was only one bartender on each floor."

"At about midnight, food orders would start coming in left and right, and that night was no exception."

"Between having to empty out ashtrays, pick up dirty glasses, clean tables, wash dishes, and make all of the food orders, I couldn’t keep up."

"My boss got very angry with me because I was behind on food orders and people were starting to get upset about having tables with empty glasses and very delayed food orders."

"She summoned me over to the bar, grabbed me by the shirt collar, shook me, and screamed in my face, 'Just get me through the rest of the f**king night and then you can quit!'."

"I was in disbelief, and went back upstairs."

"I looked at all of the tickets I had left to make, and just decided that job wasn’t worth it."

"I turned off the grill and the fryers, turned the light off in the kitchen, threw my towel in the dirty towel hamper, and walked out."

"That was the night I stopped taking other peoples’ sh*t."

~ ConspicuousCat80

Tech Crash

"Dell computer sales 1998."

"They fired 90% of all the commission making sales people and replaced them with hourly workers from a temp agency."

"They then asked me to train them. I was like, 'maybe you should have trained them before firing everyone— why would I train them so you can fire me in 2 weeks?'."

"I then grabbed my sh*t and noped out of there!"

~ Raspberries-Are-Evil

Fight Club 🥊

"Temp agency sent me for assignment to a small factory making furniture."

"7am start time. At 7:03 or :04 , while still waiting for some sort of foreman/ supervisor to come over & say hello, here's what we do here ........ coupla dudes start shouting at each other & it breaks out into full blown fisticuffs."

"Yeah, I'd seen enough."

"Funny how I have a completely crystal clear memory of looking at the clock in my car as I drove away. 7:12am."

~ thrwawaythrwaway_now

At the Car Wash

"I worked at a car wash during the winter in the wet tunnel."

"Manager got in my face for wearing a coat that didn’t have the company logo on it, but they didn’t make uniform coats. Told him to eat my entire a** and choke on it, and then left."

"It gets below zero here regularly, I’m not risking my life or even my comfort for $12 an hour."

~ BoobsCirca1942

All Day, All Night

"Dishtank. Only job I ever walked off of mid-shift."

"We had a new manager who was lazy and chased the women waitstaff. I cooked, did expo, prep, dishtank, and in a pinch I did waitstaff but new manager always tossed me in to dish tank."

"One day I opened the store at 430am as prep, then cooked until about 3pm; new manager comes in and tells me as I am leaving to 'get my a** back to the dishtank, that I am closing there tonight'."

"I told him I opened, preppeqd and cooked until now, and that I had sh*t to do tonight (I had a date)—to which he laughed."

"I told him to f*ck right off and walked out."

"Got a job delivering pizza for more money and better hours. F*ck you, Mark."

~ tigerbreak


"I was a cook and new manager kept making me cover the dish pit cuz dishwasher was not showing up. They refused to hire another one and were making him work 7 days/week."

"I told him if he kept making me close dish pit I was gonna put my 2 weeks in."

"He said 'good' and went back to cooking. So I went and grabbed my shoes and backpack, got his attention, he turned around and I gave him a peace sign and left."

"Keep in mind I had been there for three years, worked as a busser, dishwasher, server, host, cook… I did everything they asked."

"He had only been our manager for 2 months."

~ Tensonrom

Nepo Baby

"I was 17 and just finshed mopping the floor at closing time and was walking out the door."

"The owner's son walked across the floor in boots covered in motor oil and told me to 'mop this sh*t up'."

"I dropped the mop on the foor and told him to do it himself."

"I was being paid minimum wage and wasn't going to deal with that sh*t."

~ Dead_Hours

Not Lovin' It

"I started at a McDonald's because I was desperate."

"First day, it's already 2 hours past the time I was supposed to go home, but they kept telling me I had to stay and wait (for what exactly?)."

"Finally they said to sweep the kitchen and go home. I swept everything into a big pile, was about to put it into the dustpan when the shift lead came by and said 'looks good!' then she kicked the pile out and said 'now do it again'."

"I made myself an ice cream cone and left."

~ dark_wolf1994

Customer Service

"After I retired early (at 50) I thought that a job at the local Tim Hortons would be perfect. Part time, no stress, and I enjoy seniors and our sleepy town of 2000 had a high percentage of seniors."

"Most of 'training' was me fixing the computers to get them to work so that I could actually watch the training videos. That was week one."

"Week two I realized how slow the location was, despite being on the highway. We had a lunch rush and it was pretty slow other than that."

"Two days into week two and I was already recognizing the regulars."

"Seniors in their 70/80's who would come and get one coffee in a China cup and ask that I fill it as much as I can because we didn't give refills."

"No problems, it drove me nuts to dump coffee after 20 minutes and not offer it to them."

"Problem was, very few of them could carry these full cups to the tables. No worries from me, I'd bring their coffee to them.

"As I said, the location was slow and days were long and boring. It was no big deal to carry coffee cups for a few seniors and make them smile.Twice that second day working the floor I got in sh*t for doing that.

"I pointed out that there was no one else in the store and it just took me moments. Their response was 'we are not a full service restaurant, let them carry their own coffees'."

"I stood like a useless fool behind the counter when the next group of seniors came in, feeling like an idiot."

"Break time came. I grabbed my coat and went out back for a smoke. Halfway through my break, with one of the managers, I said 'f**k this. I can't treat people like this. Sorry.' and walked home never to return as an employee."

"On the rare occasion that I go there as a customer, I'll jump up from my table to assist any seniors that I see and now they can't do a damned thing about it."

~ borborhick

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot! 🥵

"I was a dishwasher, had worked there 2 weeks."

"The air conditioning (A/C) for kitchen and office both broke the day before I started."

"Office A/C was fixed the following day, kitchen A/C 'wasn't priority '. It was a heatwave in August, hitting 115° outside."

"The whole kitchen staff walked out."

~ handandfoot8099

Ring, Ring

"I was looking for work and took anything I could find, unfortunately the job I found was telemarketing."

"Anyway the work sucked and I hated it, I always took no for an answer and that got me in lots of trouble."

"They kept putting me in a room with this old VHS tape on pressure tactics and never taking no for an answer. The tape went for an hour so I just had a nap instead."

"Thankfully I was also looking for work on the side and found/got a job at the local supermarket, so I knew I had a backup plan."

"The next time they put me in that room with that tape, I had a nap again."

"When I came out they said 'if you have to go in there again your position will be terminated'."

"I just said 'I'll save you the trouble, I quit'."

"That really pissed them off because they were already understaffed."

~ TheRealReapz

"Same thing happened to me."

"Everyone yelling at me or hanging up."

"Boss pressuring me to make more calls."

"Took my lunch break and never went back."

~ MiltonRobert

Don't Mess With the IRS

"Day 2. Owner tells me that he pays taxes for us so he pays cash and it is after taxes."

"So $7.50 and not the $10/hr we agreed to."

"I walked out and called the IRS hotline to report fraud."

~ Reddit

Have you ever quit a job in the middle of the work day?

Share your story in the comments.

People Share The Best Little-Known Movie Facts They Know

Reddit user Kuli24 asked: 'What's a movie fact you know that pretty much no one else knows?'

movie set
Chris Murray on Unsplash

Easter eggs, bloopers, trivia, behind the scenes anecdotes... cinephiles live collecting them and sharing their knowledge with others.

Some trivia is well known—like Eric Stoltz was replaced by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future. Other tidbits are more obscure, like Arnold Schwarzenegger was first considered for the Michael Biehn role of Kyle Reese in The Terminator.

Some stories are conspiracy theories or urban legends—like the body in the forest on The Wizard of Oz set.

But what about just film facts? The obscure ones?

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Guy at the gym
Anastase Maragos/Unsplash

Tough guys put on a facade that indicates to others that they always know what's going on.

But their confidence doesn't always match their intellect, which is probably why they cover their insecurities by walking around and trying to show everyone who's really the boss.

If that's the case, they should keep their mouths shut because not everything that comes out of their mouth needs to be heard.

Yet, it can be amusing to everyone else.

Curious to hear examples of these, Redditor PrototypeShadowBlitz asked:

"Reddit, what is the stupidest thing you've heard from the 'alpha male' community?"

You might find these guys at a bar.

The Dude Must Be Hungry

"Had a run in once with a group of young lads about something in a bar and one of them said we are top of the food chain bro and you will be the prey."

– insertitherenow

"'Whatever, mall ninja" -proper response."

– TheEighthLord

If The Shoe Fits

"That they were an alpha male."

– I_Have_A_Name37654

"The use of 'Alpha Male,' unironically is every indication that you're dealing with a child's understanding of manhood."

– 88Dubs

Brat Pack

"Me and my bros are all alpha males."

– SonOfDadOfSam

"I was skiing one time and rode the lift with a guy that said, 'I don't feel no pain. I live with 5 roommates and none of us feel any pain.' Okay, bud. That's a really interesting coincidence."

– NicPizzaLatte

They sure thrive on making sexist comments.

Contagious Femininity

"A coworker said, 'I don't spend too much time with my girlfriend because I'll become too feminine.'"

– Lazy_Natural6154


– aliebabadegrote

Sexist Categorization

"I have been called a beta for saying that my wife makes more money than I do. She works in a more lucrative field and is more educated than I am, so it makes perfect sense that she makes more than I do."

"So I came back, and this post has really blown up. There's just a few things I want to clarify."

"1- I have only ever been called a beta online."

"2- I work full-time in project management. I have a master's degree. I have a 6 figure salary."

"3- My wife has a PhD and works in finance. She also has a 6 figure salary, it's just a higher salary than my own."

"4- I'm sorry to anyone who might feel as though my original post misled them."

– ExaminationDouble240

It's Teamwork

"A real man would be proud of his wife for achieving success, and not fall for that sort of insecure bullsh*t."

"It's not a contest, that's the real joke here. Good on you for seeing the big picture."

– Mrbeardoesthethings

Do these roles about parenting sound familiar?

Childish Things Are Too Girly

"Real men don't take their kids trick or treating is one that I heard recently."

– constructionguy89

"Related. Guys who brag about not changing diapers, not playing 'girly' games, etc. Essentially guys who brag that their only contribution to fatherhood is money and masculine things like fishing or football. Even then some of them brag about not paying a lot of child support to prove they didn't let the system take advantage of them."

"I can't imagine a life so empty my only accomplishment worth bragging about was being a terrible parent."

– Green7000

This Woman's Work

"I was told that taking care of my kids is woman's work. Apparently it's concerning that I try to spend so much of my free time with them. Oddly enough the meatheads at my grappling club think it's sweet I occasionally have my daughters' hair clips on and nails painted."

– MrFunktasticc

People discussed rules in the bedroom.

Never Submissive

"That a man is turned off when their wife/girlfriend seduces them, because if she wants sex and shows it she is a sl*t, also making the man the submissive one…"

– kamalaophelia

Stifling Emotions

"Not the whole community, but was cuddling with a guy once and could tell he was trying not to get emotional over something that was bothering him. He said, quite literally, 'it's not alpha male behaviour.' I told him that I liked that he showed emotions sometimes, and he looked disgusted by the fact that I pointed it out."

– LambLifts

In high school, a classmate who was on the football team said I was a "sissy" for listening to classical music.

The other classmates laughed at me, which was hardly surprising since all of the guys on our unbeatable football team were considered stars on campus.

This kind of mockery was a typical day for me.

I can laugh at their idiotic comments now but back then, I don't know why I ever let them get under my skin.

man with girl on his shoulders

Brittani Burns on Unsplash

"Daddy's Girl, Daddy's Girl, I'm the center of Daddy's world..." ~ "Daddy's Girl" by Red Sovine

A lot has been written about the bond between fathers and daughters.

But there's always room for improvement, right?

And who better to offer constructive criticism than daughters?

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cat and dog lying on grass
Andrew S on Unsplash

Pets can be wonderful companions. Many studies show the physical and psychological benefits of pet ownership.


If you think about some of the things our pets routinely do, in the context of their role as someone sharing our living space, pets can be kind of jerks.

Reddit user LakotaGrl challenged people to consider just that conundrum when they asked:

"Referring to your pet as only 'My roommate', what's something your roommate does?"

Here are the hilarious results.

Bedtime yoga.

My roommate likes to sleep with only his butt on the bed, the rest of his body on the floor. He also likes it when you slap his butt repeatedly.

dog couch GIFGiphy

Too close for comfort.

I once woke up to my roommate slipping and falling off the head of my bed and landing on my face. The first thing I saw that day was his butthole. Close up.

This is how you get pink eye.

Cat Dancing GIF by TikTokGiphy

Can't hold his licker.

If I bend over (to pick up somethingoff the floor or whatever) and my trousers get slightly pulled down, my roommate will try to lick my butt. I have to tell him to stop it multiple times before he listens.

dog lick GIFGiphy

Feline recreation

My roommate attacks a stuffed toy filled with drugs, then runs around and attacks table legs. After he tires himself out, he licks his butthole and falls asleep in a cardboard box.

Cattoy GIF by catnipyGiphy

College roommate?

One time I was really impressed with my roommate because they managed to open the fridge all on their own.

dog fridge GIFGiphy

Not so sneaky.

My roommate crawls into bed with me and my girlfriend at night thinking we won't notice.

Saint Bernard GIFGiphy

Roomba of Doom!

My roommate is getting rather chubby because my husband has been traveling and she hasn't kept up the strict exercise program of running 20+ miles a week while he's gone. Instead, she's been stealing our kids' sandwiches and sleeping on his side of the bed.

Our roommate is scared of Roomba and tries to bite it. I have to be vigilant to make sure our roommate doesn't poop on the floor before Roomba runs.

Dog Roomba GIF by megan lockhartGiphy


My roommate screams when the sun rises in the morning. He has also pooped on me before and hisses at vegetables.

My friend has a roommate like that. Has anger issues. Low key, but I think he's a pimp. He surrounds himself with multiple women and will fight you if you look at the girls.

rooster GIFGiphy

Just making sure he didn't miss anything good.

My roommate sniffs my mouth whenever he returns to the room just to check if I ate anything during his absence.

Cat Sniffing GIFGiphy

Porch Surfing

We found one of our roommates on our porch one day, he yelled at us until we fed him and he's been camping on our porch ever since. Sometimes he comes in the garage when it's really cold. We wanna bring him in, but the other two roommates don't want him in the house, so he stays on the porch.

porch cat GIFGiphy

Nobody wants to go in the cold.

My roommate wouldn't just go poo in the snow, instead she waited until it hit critical mass and went behind the curtains

Snow Dog GIFGiphy

Keeping an eye on you.

When I walk the dog, my roommate stalks us through the neighborhood, hiding behind trees and cars, then running ahead and jumping out at us.

cat jump dog GIFGiphy

Sometimes you need tough love...

Neither of my roommates will voluntarily bathe. When they really start to stink, I have to physically wrestle them into the bathtub. Both of my roommates will try to escape so it's pretty tricky.

dog bath GIFGiphy

...or a good bribe.

To convince my roommate baths are a good idea, I smear a small part of the tub with peanut butter and he licks it off while being bathed.

peanut butter dog GIF by Hallmark ChannelGiphy

High Maintenance Relationship

My roommates were homeless when we met. I offer to let them live with me, but now they expect me to clean up after them and feed them. They're always complaining about the food I buy. All they do is lay around all day. They aren't even paying any rent!

cat sleep GIFGiphy

Practicing for the hotdog eating contest

Once I stepped outside to check the mail, and in the minute or two it took me to leave and come back, my roommate had eaten an entire pack of hot dog buns.

Italian Love GIF by Forno GustoGiphy

A sudden wind.

My roommate wakes herself up with farts then acts super surprised

My roommate is just scared of her farts and stares at/sniffs her own butt every time it happens

fart GIFGiphy

That led to one heck of a hangover.

A former roommate of mine was wild as hell, he was his own man. One morning he left our house hastily, didn't mention where he was off to.

A few hours later he gets picked up from the drunk tank no worse for wear—we brought him home and put him to bed to sleep it off. Not more than an hour later he was vomiting chunks of dead bird and some sort of mammalian road kill.

dog GIF by Hallmark ChannelGiphy

Number one method of communication.

My roommate pees on my bed when he is mad at me.

One of my roommates has done this twice recently since he has been started on a diet. He wanted to show his feelings about the situation.

kitties make the bed GIFGiphy

Inappropriate decorum.

My roommate thinks it's cute to run around the house showing guests my underwear

run away come back GIF by 6IXTY8IGHTGiphy

So what does your furry, finned, feathered or scaly roommate do?

Let us know in the comments.