Y2K Survivors Recount How Their News Years Eve 1999 Plans Went Down
For those of you who are too young to remember, New Years' Eve, 1999 was a giant source of anxiety to the American people.
People lived in fear of the Y2K bug, which was supposed to cause incredible problems in all computer software and cause nuclear missiles around the country to malfunction and fire.
Curious to see how the general public reacted, Reddit user nikkefinland asked:
Redditors who can remember 1999, how did you spend the New Year's Eve?
Here are some of the answers.
Whoopie 2K
I met a guy I had been chatting with on AOL. Got drunk had sex, did the walk if shame. 14 years later we are still together. hrtbrknmama
Gloria In Reclusive Deo
We spent it eating pork and saurkraut at the house of my parents' Amish friends. The theory was, if all technology suddenly gave out, we'd be in the right place. virnovus
Failure To Launch
A friend and I thought we were so f*****g slick. We were standing by an ATM at the stroke of midnight. We thought that the Y2K virus was going to cause the ATMs to just start spitting money out. Right before midnight, a police officer, seeing us in our all-black garb, asked what we were doing. When we told him, he started laughing his ass off and told us he'd split the money three ways with us if it started shooting out. No money was made that night, but it left a lifelong memory which is okay...I guess. kcman011
Scary Spice
I was 12. My friends and I dressed as the Spice Girls and played Backstreet Boys' album "Millenium" on my boom box all night long.
I would totally spend this New Year's Eve the same way if my friends were into it. HodorYelledHodor
Mommy, Can I Go Home Now?
I went to a huge party with my family because I was only 8 at the time. All night all the adults were getting tanked, not just a little bit... They were full blown wasted, falling over etc.
I kept getting sparks in my eyes from party poppers because every adult in the hall was wasted and kept popping them in my face and then laughing before doing it again. Being 8 years old and wanting to go home I did it back and one woman got all the confetti in her eye and spent the rest of the night nursing a sore face. I had to go sit on these horrible plastic chairs for the remainder of the evening as a punishment. Ahh the good times. sauceoclock
Stayin' Inside
I would have been 12 on the millenium. My mother genuinely believed in all that 'y2k' stuff and had stockpiled water etc. We weren't allowed to go into the town (about 15 miles away) to watch the fireworks or have a party because she was worried we wouldn't be able to get home. We had New Years the same way we always had it when I was kid. Everyone had to stay up til midnight and after the bells we went to bed. [deleted]
At like noon my Aunt had already called people and gave the update from Australia. 12:30 a.m. the first me and my friend paused the game we were playing and checked our watch and were like, "oh, yeah Y2K", looked out the window and didn't see any flames or such and went back to playing video games. NewRedditAccount11
An Actual Bug
I was 13 or so. We were all at a family friend's house, not worried at all. It had been pretty well debunked that anything bad would happen.
There was a plush bug-like toy that we were all playing with that would make a crash sound upon impact; it was marketed as The Y2K Bug (probably sold at Target at the checkout line or something). We tossed that all over the living room for hours.
Found It Also, On eBay. Kirjath
Trick The Adults
Parents had a huge blowout party with all their friends. I was 12 at the time. I decided it would be funny to turn off all the lights when it turned midnight to freak everyone out a little bit. So at midnight, I went into the garage and flipped the main breaker for the whole house. Heard a couple of screams, but everyone was so drunk that they didn't even notice as I turned the lights back on about 5 seconds later. I was a little s**t as a kid. sonOFsack889
Typical Tomfoolery
Told my parents I was staying at a friend's house, told his parents I was staying at home, went to another friend's house for a party. Ended up getting really drunk, took a tree branch to the head while riding in the back of a truck, fell down a flight of stairs, used a dog as a pillow, and got punched by a friend for trying to fluff his dog.
It was a good night. tattedspyder
From From The Home I Love
In my parent's home village in Mexico, at the time each house had a lightbulb in the kitchen if they're lucky and the running water for the town was from a local well running on a gas powered pump. My dad would tell me "We won't know if civilization collapses here." 4chanian_immigrant
Vive La Millenium
I was in Las Vegas with my girlfriend and a group of friends. Dressed in a suit and her in a dress, we hit the strip and walked from various casinos until our group found a spot we liked. Las Vegas was prime for a Y2k breakdown being that they relied on a tremendous amount of power and automation for a relatively small city. You could feel there was a slight tingle of uncertainty in the air that night and people were meandering around with a bit of a high anticipating what we all thought would be a total breakdown of society.
Las Vegas had blocked off the strip and set up a fireworks show (I believe they did this for two reasons - 1: Y2k celebration and 2: In the case of a breakdown, you wouldn't have people running out of hotels/casinos into streets packed with cars). So, right before midnight, as i'm in the middle of an amazing roll on the craps table, my girlfriend and group of friends drag me outside the casino onto the strip to watch the possible Y2k implosion/fireworks show.
Everything goes off without a hitch, I kiss my girlfriend at the strike of midnight and we return back to the casino. However, now that Y2ker's are streaming back into the casino, the table minimums have been bumped up. I was on a $10 craps table and they are now $25 minimums...so, with the foolishness brought on by the joy of the world not imploding, I rallied and laid down some serious (for me at the time) coin on my regular numbers and let the dice roll. It was serendipitous! I couldn't lose and sat at that table as long as my girlfriend and friends let me (which was only 15 minutes or so) and had an amazing roll...It was a great way to kick off the millenium! highway570
I was a senior in high school. My buddies parents went out of town, so we had a party at his house. Busted into the liquor cabinet making horrible mixed drinks like gin, rum, and kool-aid. Danced to Prince's Party Like It's 1999 over and over. Got to third base with my girlfriend, and then had to take her home at 12:30 because of her curfew. Went back to the party and played Atmosfear...this board game that had a VHS "dungeon master" that told you to do things and interrupted play as you tried to win. Then more booze concoctions and passing out in the buddies parents bed. Ah memories... nickyrat
Wait, Which End Of The World Is This?
I was 13, at church and terrified that The Rapture was due to arrive at midnight. We all had knotted stomachs at the prospect of a tormented damnation for all eternity, and as the hour came, there was a brief, audible silence before a collective sigh of relief as the hour passed.
My kids, should I ever choose to have any, will never know that kind of torture. [deleted]
Playing It Safe
I worked on a Y2K team for an international company. The whole team spent New Year's Eve at work. We had a huge spread of food and beverages. A couple of TVs were setup to watch every time zone ring in the new year starting with the first one. And we got to talk to people all over the world in the company at each of our locations to verify everything went ok. Even though I was at work, it was a nice and interesting time. Greyyguy
Bein' A Big Kid
At home with my parents drinking sparkling grape juice and pretending I was drunk. I was 7. Oh, and we watched the typical New Years stuff on tv.
Millenium & M's
I was with my family (my parents and younger brother) at a cabin outside Pidgeon Forge Tennessee.
I ate millennium m&m's (which were all white if I remember correctly) and watched my dad set off fireworks that we weren't allowed to be shooting off. It was cold and dark and lovely. I ate collard greens, black-eyed peas and cornbread with butter for luck, and a sip of champagne because it was a special occasion.
On the first day of the new millennium we drove by Dollywood and decided not to go because it was packed. We got barbecue instead and I read a book and took a nap.
Pretty uneventful, but I'll remember it till I die, unless I get Alzheimer's. Kijafa
Relationship Bugs
New Year's Eve 1999? I broke off with my first boyfriend (he'd been seeing another guy behind my back) then went to a big party some of our punker friends invited us to. Which turned out to not actually be their party, but a party hosted by someone none of us actually knew. They'd discovered it via the friend of a roommate of the host or something and decided to mount an invasion. Good times. Drank until I was in a good mood, slithered home, slept on the couch, then spent the next decade telling anyone who'd listen that my first relationship ended because it wasn't Y2K compliant. runpmc
This Sounds Familiar...
I was working at a pizza shop and was sent out to deliver a pizza to a guy in Times Square. On my way there I discovered my girlfriend Michelle was cheating on me, and later she dumped me. Eventually I discovered that the pizza delivery was just a result of a prank phone call, so I stayed at the cryogenics lab I delivered it to and ate it myself. When New Year's arrived at midnight, I toasted to another lousy millennium, and fell backwards into an open cryogenic tube and was frozen for 1000 years. lihorne
Woodsy Dads
I was 13 years old, living in the UP (of Michigan). I was with my father at a huge party out at someone's camp- now, if you know anything about the UP, sometimes camp is nicer than the house that people live in officially. This was one of those, in my opinion. The only "downside" is that there was no electricity already- but the guy that owned the place had a huge generator to light the place up. The most memorable thing about that night is that my dad let me drink a few beers! Also, there was a bonfire that was about 20 feet in diameter, with flames that were at least 30 feet high at its apex. I am NOT s******g you. My father would never admit to being superstitious, but he found me wandering around talking to people just before midnight and and grabbed my hand as the countdown began. He was white-knuckled by the time it hit midnight. I honestly think he thought the world was going to end. He was an interesting fellow- he passed away last November, telling stories about him still tears me up a bit. Thanks for listening, anonymous friends! rewayna
Wary Walking
I went out drinking and partying with friends. Ended up at a private rooftop party and got yelled at by the cops for "accidentally" throwing our empties into the street. As I recall I wasn't too worried about Y2K, but I had a bag of rice and a gun in the trunk just in case. I expected a few power outages and random wonkines with minor systems, but I guess enough people were on the ball fixing stuff that nothing bad happened. I myself had fixed some Y2K code a few months earlier, so for once I was part of the solution. lshiva
Other Reasons To Worry
What I remember most about that new years was actually the next morning, the first. I was in college and we drove to another university a few hours south (Southern Illinois at Carbondale). When we went to sleep there was snow on the ground, and when we woke up, it was almost 80 degrees outside, on January first, 2000, in Illinois. It was really creepy and strange, everyone was outside I shorts and t-shirts playing basketball and hanging out. That's when I knew something was drastically wrong with our climate. ive_lost_my_keys
Nothing Went As Planned
I was going to our local teen friendly, no alcohol party. I borrowed my mom's truck. Driving past the gas station, the sign read $1.09 per gallon. I arrived at the party. I got some cash from one of those tornado cash grab machines, where you step in and money flies around. The clock struck 12, and the lights were still on. I met up with one of my friends, returned to the gas station to top off the tank with my winnings. Driving home, I couldn't help but think, "I guess it's not the end of the world like they said it'd be." planification

Weddings are supposed to be celebrations, but they can also be stressful and bring up bad memories once the entire family is together. Sometimes, weddings can go off the rails.
reddit_userr asked:
"What is the worst thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding?"
These were the most shocking responses.
The Ex-Files
Divorced father of the groom started up about how much better his new wife was compared to his old wife, during his speech.
On and on and the qualities of Asian women vs white women.
I've never looked at my shoes so hard in my life. Vadersballhair
Worst Man
I worked weddings for a living and once saw the best man get loaded, give a speech, and profess his love of the bride and how they had slept together two nights before.
Open bar: 1, best man: 0 cjbeck71081

Sibling Rivalry
The sister of the bride who wasn't invited showed up drunk and got in a fight with the bride until the father of the bride broke it up by putting the sister in a choke hold and dragging her out of the venue.
The bride was surprisingly fine afterwards paulsmith4908
No Refunds
The bride fainted, and hit her head hard enough to go to the hospital in an ambulance.
No refunds, so they amazingly still had the reception. pretty subdued. we had a few drinks and just left. cubs_070816

Period of Mourning
One of my wife's coworkers got married this past summer. Her father passed away from a fatal heart attack the morning of the wedding but her family insisted and convinced her to go on with it, so she did.
It was awkward as hell and nobody in the building made it through without crying, even the minister. chipmunksyndrome
My mother in law handed out an EP of my now sister-in-law to as many guests as she could & threw a fit in the middle of the dance floor later that night because I didn't let her daughter sing with the band or karaoke. Her exact words were, "How dare you make today all about you."
It was MY wedding day. mrsmx

Xerox Your Own Vows
Not a bad thing that happened for me, just really awkward. Went to wedding of someone from my church a few years back.
When it came time to say the vows, he pulls out a sheet of paper and reads on for like 5 minutes, getting really intimate and pouring his heart out to her. It was kind of awkward tbh. But the icing on the cake was her response. When he was done, she just giggled loudly and awkwardly and got out "ditto!" That's it. That was her wedding vow.
So freaking awkward. FutbolMasta
Bridal face plant...
followed by a girdle breaking...
which led to the dress ripping. RedIcingGuy

Let the Music Play
Some (jerk) bit the DJ because he refused to play a certain song. UknowNOTHINjon
Bride never showed up.
My cousin was the groom and had about 500 people in attendance. He got on the mic and said there's no bride, so we had the party anyway. He married someone else 2 years later PM_ME_UR_HAIR_COLOR

Fight Night
Having to stop a Bride's Stepdad from hitting her over the head with a chair was a highlight.
The whole room were just fighting with each other, the best man kicked the Mother in Law. UknowNOTHINjon
I had Momzilla duty at my friend's wedding a long time ago - my job was to haul her out of the church if she made a scene like she was threatening to. She wildly objected to the marriage, wore black to it, and probably would have made a scene if it wasn't for the large, burly diesel mechanic stationed behind her.
Things calmed down in the years afterwards, but yeah, that was... memorable. james4765

True Confessions
For me the absolute worst one was when the newlyweds were arguing at the end of the night, in front of their young son, she admitted to cheating on him. It all came out there and then in front of his family and he was devastated. UknowNOTHINjon
Bride's step-mother and mother got into a fight. Step-mother bit the mother. Wedding went to a screeching halt.
Yup. Straight up chomp. Don't think it broke the skin but it definitely left a gnarly swollen bruise PM-ME-ELEPHANT-JOKES

Public Outbursts
The bride's mother stood up during the ceremony and began screaming that the bride was a lying wh*re who never loved her mother. InsectGuru
There was like an 8 year old boy who had loads of confetti in his hand so I didn't think much of it, turns out he thought it was sugar paper and ate all of, he then proceeded to projectile vomit everywhere through the middle of the ceremony. Was one of the funniest and most disgusting moments of my life. theorangepanda99

There was this guy outside of the hotel walking up to groups of people in the smoking area, asking how much each person weighed. He was very overweight himself, and his jeans looked to be on inside out. He was severely under dressed for the occasion, and no one seemed to know him. Anyways, he would ask a person's weight, and then exclaim "I can bench that!". Until one guy (I think he was a family member of the bride) got into an argument with him and started asking around if anyone knew this person, figuring that he was a wedding crasher. That's when this gentleman decided to cut a deal with everyone. "If I can pick up that bench with my bare hands, can I stay for the party?" To which everyone agrees, because the bench was clearly bolted to the ground. So, he walks over, puts his hands on the bench, crouches down, and with all of his might... poos his pants in front of everyone. He stood up and waddled off through the parking lot to never be seen again. MangeStrusic
Nervous groom stood with his legs straight for too long. Fell forward and knocked himself out cold hitting the first step to the platform with his head. keilwerth

Monster-In-Law, Pt. 2
My cousin's mother-in-law told my cousin (the bride) that her dress was ugly and then called the next day to ask if they had sex. Super awkward.
My cousin is super religious and modest and was waiting for her wedding night to do anything so it was extremely embarrassing for her. jessthemessb
Arrested Development
Groom got really drunk, trashed the suite, and got tased by the police before being arrested. najing_ftw

Broken Bond
This was me (groom) at my rehearsal dinner. My parents had divorced when I was 13 and I didn't have a strong relationship with my father until well into my 20's. We had vacationed together a few times and things were good leading up to my wedding.
My Dad asked if there was going to be some sort of MC at the rehearsal dinner. I told him my best man was going to say some things. He said great and wanted to say a few words and would bounce it off to him afterwards. I thought "wow, that's great."
On the day of, he proceeded to lay into a Don Rickles roast of me for a solid 5 minutes. To this day it is legendarily talked about with my friends as the roast that skipped the "but seriously folks, my son is great" part.
I didn't talk to him for 4 months or so, then finally got it off my chest by telling him how sh*tty it was. He sent a lengthy apologetic email to all of my family. I truly don't think he knew how hurtful his "joking" was. However, damage done. I basically fell out of love with my father that day. He lives 45 minutes away and I see him a couple of times a year. tmcdonal
Peep Show
Friends' wedding a few years ago. The DJ had screens up for slideshows of the bride and groom that were played during some of the songs.
DJ's screensaver was Girls Gone Wild style videos. We saw lots of boobs on those screens. anotherrachel

Blame It On Being His First Time
After arriving 45 minutes after the ceremony was to begin, during the ring exchange, the groom gets this blank look and says he didn't know he was supposed to buy her another ring.
Sister-In-Law slipped off her wedding band and handed it off to the preacher. jlmccuan
Sound Advice
The bride's father had a heart attack while they were reading their vows. He didn't make it. Not a great way to start a marriage.
After multiple father heart attack stories, it seems like sending dads in for a check up six months prior to the wedding should be part of the to do list. redditsmasher2 BrobearBerbil

Parks and Recreation
Just as the bride started walking down the aisle, her grandmother had a sudden cardiac event. We had to stop the procession and start CPR in the aisle way.
What's worse is that we were in a large park, and people calling 911 couldn't give the address. I ran to the rangers station, but it was locked. I broke a window screen and crawled through to use the land line EMS could trace and respond. She didn't make it.
As an added bonus to the horrible situation, I later found out the ranger had placed a hidden camera in the women's restroom where the girls got ready/dressed for the wedding. He served jail time. FrankieBlackjack
That Camera has a Microphone
I ruined my cousins wedding videos and I'll never live it down.
When I was 13 my cousin got married and my brother was in charge of photography and video for the day. At some point in the day my brother gave me the camcorder and told me to shoot and take video. Longer story shorter I was unknowingly recording when myself and another cousin were talking about girls at the wedding and as one girl walked by I said "I would f*#$ that girl!"
1 week later... THE WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY decided to watch the video of the wedding and I have never felt so embarrassed in my life. muchflamer
Wedded Oblivion
One of my best friends weddings.....The groom got so drunk that he straight disappeared from the reception. Got real awkward when it was time for the wedding to be OVER. The venue was kicking us out and the bride and groom were supposed to take off in their vintage car and drive off to their honeymoon suite. The music went off, lights went on, and it turned into the guests searching for the damn groom. My husband finally found him in the parking lot basically face down on his lips. He helped him back into the wedding which was basically the most awkward walk of shame past the bride's glaring dad and grandfather. The groom was too drunk to drive. Bride's grandfather drove them to the hotel suite (which was a 30 minute drive). My friend (the bride) later told me that when they got in the room, her new husband, passed out cold on the bed and she had to wander the halls in her wedding dress looking for someone to unhook her dress for her so she could get out of it. RubyShyne

Live Show
I went to a wedding in a huge manor house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The house was lit up by big floodlights in the ground pointing up at the house. When it got dark some guests ran inside to the bar/dancefloor and shouted at people to come outside and look.
A man and a woman, who met for the first time at the wedding, were having sex below one of the floodlights but didn't realize that their gyrations were being projected 50 feet high on to the side of the house! A perfect shadow of two shaggers. They were very embarrassed when they found out. Taucher1979
Loving Family
Was at a wedding this summer. The groom's family absolutely tore their son/brother apart during the speeches.
They didn't say one loving thing, and went on to talk about all the mistakes he made during this life.
The worst thing they brought up was how he was responsible for a car accident that put someone in a coma. I was cringing. haveagreatsummerHAGS

Every Dog has his Day
Brother and sister-in-law thought it would be fun to have their dogs walked down the aisle after their flower girl spread the flower petals.
The dogs thought mid-way down the aisle was the perfect place for a pooing photo-op on the white runner. Vealophile

For the bouquet toss, a middle-aged guy forced his middle-aged girlfriend out onto the floor, then stood by her so she couldn't leave.
The bouquet was caught by an excited little girl.
The guy proceeded to yank the bouquet out of the little girl's hands, gave it to his middle-aged girlfriend, then ran off the floor cheering loudly to high-five one of his buddies.
The little girl ran away crying. xjrob85

Sorry Nana
I was friends with a couple that had split right before my wedding. I knew I couldn't invite both of them and I was closer friends with guy but he decided to move out of state after the break up so I invited the girl, let's call her Kelly.
Kelly shows up with a new younger knock-off version of her recent ex. Cool, whatever. Kelly is about 5'11, 120 pounds, maybe. Good looking girl, long legs. She decided to wear a mini pleather skirt which wouldn't have been too bad, only there was also a two inch slit up the back. A little much for a wedding but whatever.
The whole wedding family members, friends and coworkers kept asking me who Kelly was and if I knew she was basically flashing all her goodies to the whole guest list all night, including the children. See, I was too distracted by my wedding to notice that Kelly also decided to not wear underwear. So every time she sat down during the ceremony and reception her nether region would be visible for all behind her to see.
Thanks Kelly, now my 90 year old great grandma knows all too well what your goods looks like. nurimoons

The Weirdest Things Patients Have Ever Said When Waking Up From Anesthesia

Science Photo Library - IAN HOOTON. / Getty Images
"Count down from 100."
Those instructions will sound familiar if you've ever been put under for surgery or a dental procedure. You also know that you're not quite yourself when you wake up.
Reddit users were asked various times to share their best stories of people being under the influence of anesthesia and almost 6,000 people responded.
Speaking in Tongues
When I was being put under for oral surgery, the nurses said I started babbling in a strange language, and recorded part of it for proof. It turns out I was speaking Welsh (my grandparents were from Wales). Odd thing was, under anesthesia I sounded pretty fluent and conscious I only know random words and phrases. ProfessorLake
Rewards For Bravery
My dentist kept a big basket of little toys and prizes to reward the youngest patients, you know, mini yo-yos and stickers and stuff. When I got my wisdom teeth out, I remember stumbling over to it and deciding I really wanted a treat, but I was too clumsy from the drugs to pick anything up. So I thought, "F* it, I was so brave, I deserve all of it," and I swept it all into my sweatshirt pocket.
Woke up to my sister and her boyfriend laughing at me, sleeping next to my pile of treasures. Temporary tattoos, stick-on earrings, little whistles and pinwheels, pencils, bouncy balls, I got them all. I couldn't laugh, so I just made a sound like, "Hoo hoo hoo" and went back to sleep.
I feel a little bad about it now. what_n0w

Dave King / Getty Images
Can I Get A Frosty With That?
When I went in to have my appendix removed after it rudely burst the doctors were trying to keep me in good spirits. So they asked me before I went under for surgery after not feeling well or eating for about 48 hours:
Dr: "What is the first thing you want to eat?"
Me: "Wendy's"
Dr: "What are you going to get at Wendy's"
Me: "Everything."
Then I went under for surgery and woke up like 2 hours later and it felt like (I ate) a cactus so I obviously asked "wtf?" the nurse that was with me simply told me that I had woken up in the middle of surgery. I guess I slipped my arm out of the wrist holder restraint and reached over and ripped my breathing tube out and advised "I'm fu_king starving" and they apparently freaked out and told me they weren't done to which I replied "Oh I'm sorry, continue" and passed back out. I remember nothing, but my throat does, as well as the orderly that was laughing about it with me in the AM. parkesto
Feeling Frisky
I put people out like once or twice a day.... Funniest one I can remember is this dude in with a dislocated shoulder, kinda a meek guy and his wife was in the room - usually we make family leave, but not always. Anyway, start talking to him while we push the drugs and at first he's totally with it, "Oh well, my wife and I are going to Hawaii (words getting more slurred) thiss weeek and (eyes droopy) Imunna f___ the SH*T outtaver... (almost out)...". His wife was SO RED. We all tried not to smile and she excused herself. elaxandletithappen
Good Name Though
When I went under to have my appendix removed, I apparently kept telling everyone I could about my cat, Russell.
I don't have a cat. Demaikeru

Who's There?
My oral surgeon told me a knock knock joke while I was being put under for my wisdom teeth removal.
Afterwards, he told me that I laughed so hard at the joke that I threw up and pissed my pants. He said no one had ever laughed that much at one of his jokes before.
I don't remember any of it, but my pants were definitely moist while I was in the recovery room. It was pretty embarrassing for 23 year old me. [deleted]
Yes Sir, General Anesthetic
As I was being wheeled into the OR for brain surgery the drugs were heavily kicking in. My wife, referring to the two dozen or so people preparing for the operation said, "Man, there's an army of people here to take care of you."
I replied, "How the hell are we going to feed them?" RDRHostage

Chris Ryan / Getty Images
Call Me Sal
I (a guy) had a simple surgery about a year ago to remove some bone fragments I had floating around in my ankle when I broke it. Apparently right after they got me back from my anesthetic they were asking me the date, where I was, and my name to make sure there were no complications. I apparently looked the male nurse dead in the eyes and told him "You can call me Sally if it makes you feel better, but it isn't going to help you get lucky tonight." Thunderthorz
My 15 year old son had a fever, stomach ache, and pain in his side. We went to the Doctor, who sent us straight to the hospital fearing Appendicitis. ER doc told us the same thing. They start an IV and sedate him then run tests to confirm diagnosis. Turns out he had a stomach flu, and the pain in his side was gas. Or as we call it now, the $4000 fart. Anyway, as we are leaving the hospital my son is freaking out. He is yelling at me "You are a huge idiot, and getting ripped off. You didn't even ask the doctors to shrink my head back to normal size. How am I going to fit this giant head in the car. There is no way I am going to school like this. What if my head just floats off my body. Do you even love me? Why didn't you ask them how to shrink my head?" I was laughing so hard and trying to console my son who was really concerned about his giant head floating off of his shoulders. A positive side effect of his outburst was he got so riled up yelling, he let out a huge fart then let us know he felt better, and only occasionally asked us about his giant head for the next hour. fictionalname
Tattoo Tail
I had a colonoscopy done last year. I also have a tattoo of Bender from Futurama on my a**. Apparently I was very aggressive in trying to show the nurses and doctors my tattoo. That was a weird day. pjkenk2
Laughter is the Best Medicine
This happened as I was just waking up from surgery for something done below the waist. As I saw the nurses looking under my gown. They were laughing about something, and I said, "Usually when a woman looks down there she doesn't laugh."
Which caused them to laugh even harder. [[deleted]1]

David Sacks / Getty Images
I've Seen This Episode
One time I was under and my doctor spoke to me briefly while standing outside my curtained room, with only his head peeping past the curtain. When he saw that I was awake and talking, he elaborately opened the curtain up to reveal a group of 10-15 people standing, watching me in my hospital bed. Apparently I kept saying that I was on an episode of Scrubs, and I wouldn't stop calling the doc JD. Idunno-doyouknow
Don't Make Me Turn This Gurney Around
I was sitting in the recovery room after my girlfriend had her appendix out, and they wheeled in an older woman. The nurses were talking about nurse stuff, like what cubicle to put her in, and the older woman goes "HEY! Quiet down back there, or I'm turning this car around right now!" in a dopey anesthesia voice. On cue, both nurses go "Sorry, Mom!" The lady smiles. [deleted]

Neustockimages / Getty Images
Under Attack
I had a breast reduction several years ago and when I came out of anesthesia I immediately punched my nurse in the face and started screaming and trying to get up and get away. It really didn't go well. I don't really remember them getting me out of the surgery center, but I remember on the way home I was screaming and cursing and just generally freaking out in an insane way, all while my mother attempted to keep me from hurting myself. I guess I thought I was in a captive situation and everyone was trying to kill me, or take my organs for the black market. I have no idea.
When we got home she instantly handed me 2 of my prescribed Percocet and left me to drool and watch TV. I went back a week later and apologized to the nurse, gave her a gift certificate to a day spa, and gave the staff a bunch of baked goods. I felt awful about it. I work in the medical field, and I was the nightmare patient. CosmicDustbunny
Vivid Imagination
At 18 I had my wisdom teeth removed. I distinctly remember the doctor asking what I saw out of the window as I was going under. I realized later I described in great detail a topless woman in the window of the building across the street.
...the doctors office overlooked a field. SpiritOf76ers
Greatest Ever
I was put under general anesthetic for surgery a few years ago. The doctor told me afterward that I vividly described what I called "the greatest seven minutes of porn ever created". He said the nurse had to leave the room because she was so embarrassed. I have no idea what I was even talking about and remember none of it. StickleyMan
True Confessions
I was coming out from general anesthetic after my colonoscopy (a few months after I turned 21), I described in glorious detail the events of my 21st birthday to my parents and our church pastor (who'd come to visit), including my younger friend hooking up with my boss, how the car had actually gotten damaged, and how the security deposit for the apartment was withheld for "excessive carpet staining."
The first thing I remember was my mother's disapproving stare ?_? and my dad saying. "I don't think you should ever drink that much again."
The next time I had a colonoscopy was a few years later, shortly after I returned from Europe. I asked the nurse to make sure I was conscious of what I was saying before they let my parents in that time since the stories I was likely to tell were much more embarrassing.
To clarify, I was raised in the bible belt, and this was the first time I had discussed anything alcohol consumption related with my parents. That church pastor stopped inviting me to events at her house and hasn't looked at me the same way since. thewalex

Jim Cornfield / Getty Images
Prim and Proper
As a student, I spent a day observing (and trying to be helpful) in the recovery ward for a GI clinic (think Colonoscopy). I was bringing a gentleman's wife in to see him and went over to see if he was fully awake. Now, this was a very proper gentleman, who came in in a 3 piece suit, and seemed super-embarrassed about the whole process.
So, he looks up at me, farts, then says "nurse, I think I have just been violated" before falling back asleep. His wife just sorta stood there. I booked it out of the room, spent 5 minutes laughing hysterically in the cleaning room, surrounded by all manner of equipment designed to go into people. KirinG
Lizard King
I had wisdom teeth removed. I remember my doctor mentioning that after I went under I started talking about lizards with hats. That doesn't trump what followed the surgery though.
Upon being roused from my seat my father jokingly offered to let me drive home. He and the doctor had to chase me and take the keys from my hands. Next thing I remember is waking up on the couch making car noises. acktac

Fernando Trabanco Fotografa / Getty Images
Freddie Is a God
My mom was my driver while I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was in the room when I was being 'brought back' from the anesthesia. I don't remember any of it but my mother told me that the nurse told me that I had to keep my mouth still to stop the bleeding. I then preceded to start singing "Under Pressure" by Queen and when she told me to stop talking, I looked at her with a face full of disgust and said "Freddie Mercury is a god and it's bullsh*t you don't like him." This all happening while my mouth was stuffed with gauze. bigsausagepizzasven
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out last summer, I tried to get into a fist fight with my doctor because he kept hitting my gag reflex and I was mad about it. When I came to, he was pretty pissed, then while I was being lead to the recovery room, the anesthetic made me feel tall, and I started laughing and said "what is this, an oral surgeon's office for ANTS?!" I sh*t you not...my memory's spotty, but I very vividly remember yelling that in the office. Then when I got to the recovery room, I asked for nachos, the nurse said no, and I cried for 3 hours afterwards.
Pretty sure the doctors and nurses never saw someone switch moods that fast. TeHNyboR
How High?
I am deathly afraid of needles so I got laughing gas before getting put out when getting my wisdom teeth removed. My Indian dentist was testing how out of it I was to see if it was okay to put the needle in me and asked, "How high are you?" really meaning, "How tall are you?". I'm a stoner so my natural response was "I'M HIGH AS F___ DUDE!". Gave him a little laugh that day. prebreeze
Had two operations about ten years apart in the same hospital. Got wheeled in to the pre-op room for the second operation and looked at a picture on the wall of an underwater scene. Recognized it from when I was 14 and had a flash back of talking endlessly under the pre-op anesthetic to the nurses the last time about "the pretty dolphins". Attempted to relate this hilarious story at 25 to the nurses present and found myself raving about the pretty dolphins all over again. Thomboy

Rodrigo Friscione / Getty Images
Metal Health
I had to go under for a lithotripsy for a kidney stone (they shoot sound waves into your kidney to break up the stone.) They had been giving me morphine all day so I was feeling pretty good. When they brought me into the room for the procedure they brought over the gas mask and asked if I was ready, I looked at the nurse and said, "F' YEAH! BLAST THAT F'ER OUT OF THERE WITH SLAYER!!" tommyservo
Getting Comfortable
When I was younger, I dislocated both my shoulders. When I went to the hospital, they put me under and when I awoke I was still feeling the effects.
My dad later told me that when I woke up, I started to strip off all my clothes and called my doctor a dirty (girl) multiple times. I guess I don't react well to anesthetic? sockshot

Mitsuko Nagone / Getty Images
Feeling the Love
I'm a nurse who administers "twilight sedation" for endoscopy procedures. My patients come in thirsty, starving, and usually scared sh*tless.
In general, I'd say the whole sedation process makes them less rather than more weird. It's very rewarding when a highly anxious patient awakens to find it's all over, they don't remember a thing, and the news is (hopefully!) good.
That said, there are entertaining moments! Sometimes, relief and a Versed buzz translate into deep affection. One guy woke up to learn he didn't need invasive surgery, told me he loved me, went back to sleep, and repeated that process every five minutes for an hour, even after I brought his wife back. tadababa
Age Inappropriate
I had to get stitches. Something went wrong and the gash got ripped open a little more. I was told that they had to put me under. While going under I apparently grabbed an older lady nurses' (talking mid 50's) chest, and told her I like my milk spoiled. [deleted]
Don't Eat the Baby
When I was born, there were some severe complications and my mum was given gas & air. She was convinced that she was giving birth to a tin of spaghetti, and kept saying how she was looking forward to eating me. duffgirl
Excused Absence
40 year old man, waking up: "No Mum! I don't want to go to school today, the kids are mean." whistledick
What Not to Watch
Apparently when I was put under to get chemotherapy in my spine, I yelled "demons! Demons! The Apocalypse is coming!" I had watched a whole marathon of Supernatural the day before. maciballz