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People Reveal The Best Advice Their Mom Ever Gave Them

People Reveal The Best Advice Their Mom Ever Gave Them
Hoxton/Sam Edwards/GettyImages

At the time of writing, Mother's Day is just around the corner. Though, if you ask anyone on any given day in the month of May, it tends to always be around the corner. It shouldn't though, because we should thank her as much as possible for putting up with many of us, but sometimes it's easier to share and discus what's the best thing they ever taught us.

Reddit user, u/giggglygirl, wanted to hear what your mom made you memorize when they asked:

What's the best advice your mom ever gave you?

Trust Your Gut. Seriously. Go With It.

If there's an uncomfortable feeling in your gut about a person, situation, or place, go with it. Listen to it and either protect yourself or gtfo.


Look In A Mirror Once In A While

Oh and also: "If you dislike someone for a character trait, make sure you don't have the same one. Things that annoy you in others, might be things you do yourself."


Never Not Mean It


Something my grandfather told her, then she told me: "Hugs and handshakes, give them like you mean it"


Always Be Looking Ahead

"Happiness is just having something to look forward to."

You had your issues, mom, but this advice has served me well.


Again With The Mirrors. Must Mean Something.

"Look in the mirror and see if you see a friend in there.

If you don't, take a longer look and get the friend back."


Stop Taking It All So Seriously

My mom said "you young people get confused about dates, a date is just suppose to be a fun get together with someone, not meaning you're picking out life partners and deciding what house to buy. Just go out on a date, and have fun together, stop taking it so serious", this is one of the things i keep remembering when trying to go out on dates...(not that that happens that often).


You Are Not More Important Than They Are

In exasperation, my mom told me, "When you show up late, it tells people that you think your time is more important than theirs."

I used to be [chronically] late to nearly everything. And that statement just crushed me because I love my mom and my friends and would never purposely be disrespectful. I had just never looked at it that way before. I'm rarely late anymore and it's been amazing how something so seemly small has improved my relationships and has all around made my life better and less stressful than I could have expected. Wish Mom would have laid into me sooner.


And Then What Do We Always Do?


"Don't touch that, it's too hot!"

I learnt that it was, indeed, too hot.


What I love about this childhood trope is that almost all of us touched it anyway

Guess it is hard for the danger version of the word 'hot' to have a real meaning without figuring it out yourself as well


It Only Happens To You Once

"You will never have to live this day again"- on my very first memorably bad day, coming home from school unable to stop sobbing.

I reuse it whenever trying to console someone after specific pains.


Everything Changes. Mostly You.

When I was a pre-teen she told me "as you get older you're going to think everyone around you is changing. It's not them that are changing, it's how you see the world that is changing"

I thought that was super weird advice, but as I got older and started to see adults for who they really were it really made sense. They weren't changing, I'd just never noticed that side of them before. I genuinely think it's why I wasn't a bratty teen, because I knew my parents were still the same parents, I was just seeing everything differently.


Woman Was Fired For Refusing To Wear A Bra At Work—And Now She's Suing

Christina Schell, from Alberta, Canada, stopped wearing bras three years ago citing health reasons.

While Schell did not specify the health reasons, she did state she finds them to be "horrible."

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