It's easy to get angry over little things. Being late for work, your phone not holding a charge anymore, or your favorite ice-cream shop closing early on a Monday for no reason. However, most people can think back to that one time when the anger was too much and they became a living ball of fury. These are those times.
Reddit user, u/Nacho36, wanted to hear about the most angst-filled anger ever when they asked:
What's the angriest you've ever been?
Parents Being Awful
My parents forcing me to intervene and pick sides in their divorce even though I feel like I'm too old for that drama. And if dont pick a side, I'm disowned from both.
That sh-t got me so mad I started crying
Stand Up For Yourself
My dad was once being an a--hole to my mother. I told him to stop. He threatened to break my jaw.
I told him to do it then.
Adulthood started early for me.
From One Brother...
This boy literally almost threw my brother over a bridge after school.
Over f-cking Fortnite.
...To Another
When my brother stole $700 from me when I was 16.
That was years worth of savings.
Standing Up For Those Who Can't
My dad has Parkinson's and some cognitive difficulty and a few years ago I was over and found out that a guy conned him into paying $100 to "fix" a spot on his bumper by spraypainting it silver. He didn't understand and had taken the money out of his wallet and given it to the guy.
I completely lost my sh-t and cursed him out on my lawn in front of my parents. My blood was boiling, they had never heard me speak like that before. I think it struck a nerve for me because he was fairly high up in the NYPD for 25 years and involved in a lot of heroic situations, so it was really hard to see him unable to deal with this simple crook.
Ugh, Kids, Again...
Background: When I was young, my family was in a car wreck. A horse had gotten out of its pen and tried to jump over our car. Landed on my dad's side and broke his neck. He's fine now, but that really screws up a kid.
Fast forward: I'm a freshman in high school. Class jerkoff decided to start giving me crap about horses and how my dad should've died. I started across the classroom at him, for the only time in my life fully intending on killing someone.
I'd been in martial arts for several years at that point and knew exactly what I was going for. The asst. football coach tackled me while the jerkoff was pulled out of the room.
In hindsight, I'm really glad the coach did that. This guy was a lawyer's kid, and it scares me to think how my life would have been wrecked by that outcome.
Just Tell Me!
My gf cheated on me. Not a once-off, but over months with many guys.
What made me mega-angry is that pretty much everyone in my friend group knew, and it was so funny that they managed to keep it from me for so long.
When You Know They Did It...An Can Do Nothing
My moms crackhead girlfriend stole most of my pain medication after I had emergency surgery and sold it. She also sold a bunch of my other belongings like a skateboard and bass guitar.
When I confronted her she guilt tripped me and told me I was f-cked up for even thinking it was her because my mom died of drug related issues and I "know what she went through" with my mom.
Probably Won't Be The Last Time He Doesn't Get A Date
I was suspended 4 days from school based on false accusations from a guy because I didn't want to date him. Extremely abusive and manipulative person. Administration didn't believe a word I said and also suspended people who supported my side. 100% the angriest i've ever been.
Sounds Like You Need Better People In Your Life
When my ex cheated on me twice,acted like she never did that to me,and then I went into a blind rage for the whole day.
That and when my best friend of 4 years started to pretend like I and our other mutual friend didn't exist.No explanation,nothing.
She just pretends like we don't exist.
When I was in high school I was big into Warhammer.
For those that have never heard of it, Warhammer is a tabletop game played with armies of hand-assembled, hand-painted models. They are very expensive and take hours of personal work to be "finished." Now, as a high school student my army cost about as much time and money as I had. I kept it all in a foam-packed case that by itself cost about $90. The army itself cost about $350, and a good amount of it was a gift from my parents. I had spent dozens of hours painting them.
So imagine my reaction when I caught my twin sister trying to throw my case out my bedroom window. I'm not saying it was totally unwarranted - we had had an argument prior that I was totally complicit in - but I had just walked in on her trying to destroy months of work and money, and she was DRASTICALLY escalating the kind of tit-for-tat we had started. In that moment, to my reptile brain, she wasn't my sister - she was a threat.
I slammed her to the ground and pinned her by the neck. Not hard enough to choke her, but she wasn't going anywhere. I fixed her dead in the eyes and told her if she ever came into my room again, I would murder her. I didn't say "kill," I said "murder," and as far as I'm concerned that makes it worse. Then I blinked, took a look at myself and what I was doing, and let her go.
Not my proudest moment. She didn't know how much the models were worth, she thought they were simply toys, and I can only imagine I scared the sh-t out of her. To my parents' credit, they handled everything very well when they got home and heard what happened. I fessed up myself, I didn't want them to hear it from her. They were sympathetic about me protecting my property, but I was sternly reprimanded for using physical force to threaten anybody, however briefly.
No One Touches My Siblings
Found out a friend of my friend slapped my little sister for not giving him her number while my "friend" laughed, I went nuclear and knocked both of them out.
I've always been really protective of her since my dad was abusive to my mum, sister and myself.
A Big Bullet Dodged
The time that I found out my ex was looking at child p*rn and his family didn't find out he had been doing this until the cops came to his door.
At the time we were dating, I was hoping to get married one day and start a family.
He told me either the day after it had occurred or something. I still remember being so disappointed at the time, screaming and crying towards him.
Dodged a bullet with that one.
Why Do You Think I'm Here???
Went to the financial aid officer at uni and they spoke to me as if I was about to steal their money and treated me like sh-t the entire time.
I lost it when the lady said 'if your father couldn't afford it why did he send you to college'
League Of Legends Is The Worst
A few months ago i broke my chair cuz of fkn league of legends
It was at that point I realized that sh-t aint healthy
Anger Needs To Be Discussed
Teacher here. Was on a sub assignment before earning credential. Middle school. Kid I knew had a sibling in Highschool commit suicide just days ago. Found her sobbing between bells, asked if she wanted to step out and talk, or if she wanted some privacy, or anything.
She doesn't say anything for an uncomfortable minute and slowly passes me a balled-up paper. I unballed it and read it. Someone who had been bullying her left her a note gloating over the death and all the reasons why they deserved to be dead and burning in hell.
Three things happened that day after reading that paper. The first is that I scared a cluster of incoming students and some faculty after slamming the door behind me loud enough to trigger a seismic event. The second is that I ran, literally ran into the principal's office, closed the door behind me and laid out the paper on her desk with a quiet, "look at this sh-t." The third is that the final straw was laid for said student to receive an expulsion.
I was upset during the next period and ignored the sub plan for the first time ever, and I talked about it with the students. They seemed relieved to be able to address recent events and talked about how jarring it all was, going through school assignments like nothing happened.
The affected students were not in the class. The bullied girl was prioritized for counseling services. I hope she's okay, I still think about it a lot. I was told later the letter writer was expelled and several other students received serious consequences. I appoligized for being unprofessional with the principal, but she took it in stride. I was hired a number of times after that incident, so I am guessing it was forgiven.
Days like that can change how one looks at humanity.
Woman Was Fired For Refusing To Wear A Bra At Work—And Now She's Suing
Christina Schell, from Alberta, Canada, stopped wearing bras three years ago citing health reasons.
While Schell did not specify the health reasons, she did state she finds them to be "horrible."
But after her refusal to sign or adhere to a new enforced dress code policy to wear a bra or tank top under her work shirt at a golf course grill where she worked, Schell was promptly fired.
Now, the 25-year-old has filed a human rights violation against the Osoyoos Golf Club, Osoyoos, in British Columbia, Canada.
Schell said:
"I don't think any other human being should be able to dictate another person's undergarments."
When she asked the general manager, Doug Robb, why she had to comply, the manager told her the mandate was for her protection.
Robb allegedly said:
"I know what happens in golf clubs when alcohol's involved."
After losing her job, she brought the case to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and told them the club's dress code was discriminatory because the rule didn't apply towards male employees.
Schell told CBC:
"It's gender-based and that's why it's a human rights issue. I have nipples and so do the men."
David Brown, an employment lawyer in Kelowna, BC, said gender-specific dress codes could be viewed as discriminatory under the BC Human Rights Code.
He stated:
"It's an interesting question as to whether or not an employer can dictate the underwear that women can wear, but they don't say anything about the underwear that men can wear, and does that create an adverse impact on the individual?"
Brown added:
"If this policy is found to be discrimination, the next question is does the employer have a bonafide occupational requirement to essentially impose this on the individual?"
"I'm kind of scratching my head as to what that occupational requirement would be."
@GlobalBC The policy is sexist the peopl supporting it are sexist. Hope she wins her complaint— Lori bell (@Lori bell) 1529692660.0
@Shelby_Thom @WoodfordCHNL @GlobalOkanagan @GlobalBC Then men should have to wear either a tank top or undershirt— caffene fiend (@caffene fiend) 1529624161.0
@SoldByBrock @Shelby_Thom @GlobalOkanagan @GlobalBC What does common courtesy have to do with wearing a bra? Breast… https://t.co/ZVI2xDdpgf— M Shumway (@M Shumway) 1529843759.0
As for the tank top option, due to working under oftentimes extreme heat serving tables outsides, Schell did not want to wear another layer of clothes just because of her gender.
Schell said:
"It was absurd. Why do you get to dictate what's underneath my clothes?"
Employment lawyer Nadia Zaman told CBC that the club can enforce a gender-specific policy as they deem necessary as long as the establishment can prove it is for the occupational safety of its workers.
But the attorney questioned if forcing female employees to wear a bra was applicable in this case.
Zaman stated:
"If they simply require that female employees wear a bra but then they don't have a similar requirement for males, and they can't really justify that … then there is a risk that their policy's going to be deemed to be discriminatory."
Under British Columbia's discrimination law, it is illegal for employers:
'to discriminate against any individual because of his race, color, religion, sex, or national origin'.
@GlobalBC @globalnews Logistically bras or the absence of does not impact health or work performance. That is my v… https://t.co/65cLHBMowf— Louisette Lanteigne (@Louisette Lanteigne) 1529769211.0
McDonald's employee Kate Gosek, 19, agrees with Schell in that the dress code is "unnecessary." She too was harassed by her employers at a McDonald's in Selkirk, Manitoba, over refusing to wear a bra.
"She just told me that I should put on a bra because, McDonald's—we are a polite restaurant and no one needs to see that."
Schell's case sparked plenty of debates on Twitter.
@DunnMan77 @GlobalBC It's just discriminatory, woman shouldn't have to wear bras if they don't want to. As well as… https://t.co/RXhRVWUuNy— Mary Johnson (@Mary Johnson) 1529685276.0
@DunnMan77 @GlobalBC Men do not have to wear underpants if they don't want to. As of right now there are no laws to… https://t.co/l8FuPVybWo— Mary Johnson (@Mary Johnson) 1529686418.0
@GlobalBC Women have the right not to be forced to wear a bra Shaving & makeup also is a choice. If you want to do… https://t.co/Ybkj6PLDnD— Lozan (@Lozan) 1529686156.0
@Lozan72 @GlobalBC I would completely understand her and your argument if we were talking about a potential law to… https://t.co/trRyNAubn4— Chris George (@Chris George) 1529690293.0
@GlobalBC This story frustrates me. There's no dress code equivalent for men? Well if I saw the outline of a male s… https://t.co/5YbAvXKRcO— Molly Max (@Molly Max) 1529705327.0
Schell is not alone in her disdain for bras.
@GlobalBC I personally HATE wearing a #bra absolutely hate it with passion and unashamed to admit it. I HATE BEING… https://t.co/GEi3LtxIDa— Lozan (@Lozan) 1529686305.0
Schell is still waiting to hear from the Human Rights Commission about her claim.
H/T - GettyImages, Twitter, Indy100, CBC