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Clever People Imagine How A Make-A-Curse Foundation Would Get Revenge On Their Enemies

You know how the Make-A-Wish Foundation helps less fortunate children? The Make-A-Curse Foundation would exact revenge on your enemies. For a nominal fee, someone will curse an unfortunate soul of your choosing - and the hex lasts forever.

Imagine cursing someone with an itch that can't be scratched, or giving the terrifying gift of unlimited, universal empathy. Here's what Reddit had to offer

mrsam12000 asked, The Make-A-Curse Foundation grants evil services short of murder for terminally ill adults. What last act of revenge would you request for your enemy?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, or profanity.

This is the worst.


Whenever they sleep, they dream of being at work.


This is dark.


Unfiltered empathy for everyone and everything.


Come on we're eating here.


Someone asks them a question any time they take a bite or sip of something.


It's your job to carry out the curses.


They have to work for the Make-A-Curse Foundation having to inflict all of this and ensure it all works.


And life loses all meaning.


Their pasta sauce will never cling to their spaghetti.


I used to hear phantom bangs when I'd fall asleep.


As soon as they fall asleep at night they will be startled awake by a loud scream from inside their home and only they will be able to hear it.


A paradox for the ages.


Get the biggest boner in the most awkward and humiliating situations and only get a half boner when they actually want one.


Sounds like a typical day.


All critical emails, mail and other indirect correspondence simply wouldn't reach their intended recipients. Mundane stuff would go through as usual though so rather than being able to identify the curse, the target would merely feel alone and ignored in the world.


So just... normal internet.


Their internet connection will disconnect at random. Also when they are going to watch a video, their connection will be slowed so the video stops to buffer often.


I'm itchy just reading this.


An itch down at the bone that moves through their body in varying intensities.

It can never be scratched properly and it can't be adjusted for. Just a constant itch ranging from inconvenience to straight up agony.


Kendall Jenner Wearing A Massive Winter Coat Is Like Lenny Kravitz's Scarf 2.0 😂

We all love a good meme, and the best memes often imitate life. Model Kendall Jenner is the latest target of the Instagram account @itsmaysmemes, which photoshops celebrities in hilariously oversized outerwear.

At least it looks cozy...

Soon, Vogue France tweeted the image and all hell broke loose.

The caption reads:

"Winter is coming !"


People made their own versions.

Some compared it to other strange fashion choices we've seen over the years.

And there were those who had some pretty interesting ideas about what this looked like.

Perhaps we loved it because it did seem just avant garde enough for Jenner to actually wear. Turns out we all can! Well, sort of. The jacket is a digitally enlarged version of The Super Puff jacket at Aritzia. Even the non-Photoshopped version looks pretty cozy!

H/T: Huffington Post, Twitter

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(Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)

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