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Ever wonder what industry insiders know that you, the customer, don't? If so, this thread is for you. Take a glimpse at the secrets businesses don't want you to know.

matthewesp asked: What's a dirty secret that everybody in your industry knows about but anyone outside of your line of work would be scandalized to hear?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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It's easy to get angry over little things. Being late for work, your phone not holding a charge anymore, or your favorite ice-cream shop closing early on a Monday for no reason. However, most people can think back to that one time when the anger was too much and they became a living ball of fury. These are those times.

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People Reveal The Best Advice Their Mom Ever Gave Them
Hoxton/Sam Edwards/GettyImages

At the time of writing, Mother's Day is just around the corner. Though, if you ask anyone on any given day in the month of May, it tends to always be around the corner. It shouldn't though, because we should thank her as much as possible for putting up with many of us, but sometimes it's easier to share and discus what's the best thing they ever taught us.

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Parents Share Their Worst Case Of Not Screening A Show Before Showing Their Kids
JGI/Jamie Grill/GettyImages

You can't tell what a show or movie will be like based on title alone. Sure, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 15: The New Blood" probably won't make it through your parent filters, but what about those shows with confusing names? You know, the ones you hear in the back of your mind and don't even give a second thought to the mind-melting it's about to inflict on your child? Well, it happens, and we're all here for it.

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Our society might tell us to follow laws that we don't necessarily agree with. While we could delve into all the messed up rules and regulations on the books, there are some out there that are so ridiculous that it's amazing someone had the audacity to think them up.

Redditor MaxienLai is responsible for today's burning question: "What are some of the dumbest laws that exists in your country?"

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