Healthy, well-balanced fare it is not, but there's no denying people across the globe love fast food.
Not all chains come even close to living up to their own hype though.
Redditor Dangerous_Language26 asked:
"What is the worst fast food chain?"
Everyone Out Pizzas The Hut
"The sad, sad decline of Pizza Hut."
"Back in the 80's and early 90's it used be the place where you had pizza parties."
"You read your books to get a free personal pan pizza."
"Then they started to cut corners."
"The tomato sauce tasted different, the crust was hard."
"It was greasy and it just drove people away."
"Compared that to Dominoes which was literally the lowest tier of pizza and Pizza Hut dominated them for years."
"Then Dominoes hired Patrick Doyle as their CEO in 2010."
"They ran all those ads on focus groups and how they were going to improve their customer service and change their recipe."
"It all worked and using tracking technology and GPS Dominoes went from the bottom of the barrel to the king of the hill.""
"Now Pizza Hut is at the bottom."- dresn231
Tim Would Be Appalled
"Tim Horton's - at least in the US."
"Their food is universally gross and overpriced."
"Their donuts are gas station quality at best."
"And the biggest most unforgivable sin is that for a chain that prides itself on coffee, they serve it in an atom-thin, hand-scalding cup through a drive-through window so, unless you have carpenter's callouses on your hand, you are assured to get first-degree burns."
"They use those cheap 1975 era coffee lids that you have to manually peel back, ensuring further skin damage as a splash of coffee will inevitably come out."
"Then finally you lift it to your lips, but with no other pinhole to regulate flow a geyser of 400-degree lava vaporizes the skin on your lips."
"You try to stuff your mouth with what you know is going to be an average-at-best donut just to have something to soak it up but that donut was cooked in a Cleveland warehouse that shares space with a Spirit of Halloween three days ago so it's just stale and bad and you can't decide if you want the burning coffee or the gross donut out of your mouth more."
"I've never felt like an entire chain hated its customers more than the masochists that visit Tim Horton's."- caffeinex2
"Tim Hortons gradually turned into complete sh*t after they were bought out."
"It's not even a Canadian company anymore."
"Their donuts have been garbage since they stopped baking them in store and their coffee isn't even good."
"Like you said all their food is gross."
"As a Canadian I've been boycotting them for quite some time. It's a shame because they used to be very good."-divine__love
Not Even Cheap Any More
"Gonna give a curveball answer: Subway"
"Since they dropped the $5 footlong model, they are are just overpriced and underwhelming subs."
"Go to Jersey Mikes, Firehouse, (good God come here, best subs for a chain IMO), Ike’s Love and Sandwiches (if one is near you?), or some really good mom and pop deli shops."
"There nothing redeeming about their subs"- Flaux454
Not Finger Lickin' Good
"KFC. Used to be my absolute favourite but when they changed the chips it started going downhill."
"Now they're just super slow at getting the food out, even when it's not that busy (at least all the ones where I live are)."- OrangesandLemons98
Arby's Of The Past
"I was going to say Arby’s, because about twenty years ago an Arby’s franchise had all the charm of a crack house, but it feels like they’ve come around lately."
"Maybe new ownership, I don’t know."- Playful-Opportunity5
Not The Queen Of Dairy
"My husband is a health inspector and he will without a doubt tell you it's Dairy Queen."- cassiecas88
King Of Burgers?
"I'm not sure about worst, but I don't understand how Burger King is still around."
"They just opened a new one about 2 miles from where I live."
"It's across the street from McDonald's and near a Subway."
"I never see anyone there.'
"Their dining room never seems to be open, there are never any cars in the parking lot."
"You drive by, and there will be 12 cars in the McDonald's parking lot and 5-6 cars in the drive through, and the BK is a ghost town."
"And many of them around here are like that."
"Nearest I can figure, they're all drug fronts."- pm1966
"Burger King."
"Do not need to explain."- True0Tech
"Burger King."
"Hands down."
"I've never once had a good experience at one, to include the taste of the food."
"Like you know its bad when even McDonalds is better."- Chris-P-Taco
No Time For Taco Time
"Taco Time."
"Not to be confused with Taco Time Northwest (which is a f**king delight ::chef’s kiss::)."
" Regular Taco Time makes Taco Bell seem like fine dining and tastes like Satan’s butthole."- reruning
Don't Stop For Their Wings
"My source, you ask?"
"I work there lmao."
" Chicken is sh*t quality and super small not to mention how awful all the stuff in the sauces are."
"Everybody is obsessed with the ranch despite it literally just being mayo/buttermilk/hidden valley ranch packets."
"AND the new sandwiches we just started are nasty and come out raw despite cooking them exactly how corporate told us."
"Not to mention everything is just stupid expensive."
"$1.69 for a tiny side of ranch at my store."- smallemochick
Chipotle Sucks Now I Guess
"I gotta say Chipotle."
"Hear me out."
"When they first started showing up they were really good."
"Cilantro lime rice. Tasty barbacoa." Decent hot sauce."
"It was treat going there."
"It wasn't too expensive and enough food that you'd always be stuffed full after eating."
"What else could you want?"
"Qdoba showed up."
"It sucked."
"It was terrible compared to Chipotle."
"Not even competition."
"Then Qdoba got good."
"Chipotle panicked and decided the solution was to increase their prices, shrink the menu options, and change their recipes."
"Suddenly the rice was bland."
"The barbacoa was dry and tasteless."
"They added that terrible cheese sauce that is truly inedible."
"I mean parmesan? Really? "
"Not a lime in the store. Just dreadful. "
"Their speed of service became embarrassingly slow."
"I don't think I've been there since that Godawful cheese sauce."
"I want 2008 Chipotle back."
"I think that was peak Chipotle. I'd get lunch there by myself and stare bleakly out the window at the parking lot; thinking about hating my job and enjoying my food."- mostlygray
Maybe Their Name Wasn't Meant To Be A Compliment?
"More like whatadisappointment."- DieselSwapEverything·
They Don't Deserve To Ring That Bell!
"I'm from South Africa."
"I visited the USA in January 2020, right before the pandemic started."
"I had always wanted to try Taco Bell after always hearing about it on TV and movies."
"So I found one in San Francisco, tried that taco that come with cheese in the middle of the soft taco shell, and I was incredibly disappointed."
"It just didn't taste very good, very greasy.:
"The other food I had there was okay, but Taco Bell was a major let down."- Cezkarma
Are Any Of Them Good?
"All of em."- bl4ckpetunia
D For Disgusting?
"How has no one said Captain D's."- scorpio-mofo
More Like Pizza "No-WAY!"
"I'm not sure if anyone has heard about this place called 'Pizza Nova', but my god do they suck."
"Also there's this very unheard of chain called 'Fast Eddie's'."
"Sh*t is vomit inducing."- abstractdarkk
No One's "Lovin' It" Any More...
"McDonalds is the worst thing from America."- DickInYourMouth69
"Food has gotten very expensive and is usually stale and unfilling."- Mysterydumper
Definitely Won't Come To Papa!
"Papa John's."
"The only pizza I have ever had that I threw out after one bite."
"Dominos is like homemade from Italy compared to that crap."- Ok-Asparagus-3296
Not all chains live up to their advertising, but quality can sometimes really depend on each individual location.
So go ahead and try that new place out, just don't be surprised if it kinda sucks.